In Oregon, child custody and visitation are related but different concepts. A parent can have full custodial rights, but limited visitation. Or, a parent can have a massive amount of visitation but limited custody rights. What’s the difference?

What is Child Custody?

Custody is defined as the authority to make the “big picture” decisions about a child’s life. These include where the child will live, what kind of education she will receive, what religion the child will practice, and regular medical care.

Child custody and visitationIn Oregon, the court is required to award sole custody to one parent unless the parents agree to joint custody. With joint custody, both parents share equally in the decision making and are required to consult with each other about those decisions.

Visitation and Parenting Time

Visitation is no longer used in legal proceedings in Oregon, in favor of the current concept of parenting time. Parenting time involves the day-to-day aspects of raising a child. Weekends, pizza nights, taking your child to school and to the doctor, going to the coast, and so forth. A parenting plan defines the time that each parent has with their child.

It is important to have a well thought-out parenting plan. The parenting plan is a legal document that will control your time with your child except when you and the other parent agree to do something different. So, if you want to be sure to have every other Christmas Day, alternate Spring Breaks, and half the summer with your child, be sure that those details are in your parenting plan.

Get the Help of a Salem Child Custody Attorney

When the custody and visitation of your child is at stake, be sure to get the help of an experienced Salem child custody attorney. Eggert Law Firm attorneys have the experience you need.

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