Thinking About Filing for Bankruptcy?

Thinking About Filing for Bankruptcy?

Thinking about filing for bankruptcy in Oklahoma? There’s a lot of information on the web, but it’s difficult to find what is true, what is right for you, and it can be almost too much to figure out on your own. Eggert Law Firm has helped clients work through these...
Divorce Tips – Back Up Your Phone

Divorce Tips – Back Up Your Phone

At Eggert Law Firm, I advise my divorce and custody clients to back up their phone on a regular basis. It’s easy to do and will help your case. These days, most of us have some kind of smartphone and that phone has become the communications hub of our lives! We...
What is the Best Bankruptcy Plan for Me?

What is the Best Bankruptcy Plan for Me?

For most consumer debtors, there are only two choices for making a bankruptcy plan: Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. What’s the difference, and which is the best for you? That all depends on your particular circumstances. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a...

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